A day after Christmas the tree has no presents.
The angels no longer sing peace on earth
The shepherds have gone back to tending their sheep
And no one looks for the miraculous birth

The sun, it would seem, has taken no notice
The manger holds only an animal’s feed
The stars in the heavens look perfectly normal
No longer proclaiming a heavenly deed

Just one more baby cries out in hunger
And one more mother worries ahead
And one more father is making plans
Since one more small mouth will have to be fed.

For days after Christmas seem like any other
Even though everything everywhere changed
Since even amazing miraculous wonders
We see every day start to all look the same

We start to forget unbelievable things
Are required to provide us our everyday bread
We take for granted the sun and the rain
And the undeserved love by which we are fed

So it shouldn’t surprise us that we disconnect
The birth of a child that was long prophecied
From the Son of Man who spoke the hard truth
And showed us the way and in our place died

On a day after Christmas, an angel stood by
To explain why the stone had been rolled aside
From a tomb that never again would be needed
Because the King of Kings is alive

Each day we live is a day after Christmas
A miracle if we have eyes to perceive
That Christmas was only the barest beginning
Of life everlasting, if we just believe.