There are people out there, God bless them, who just won’t stop doing good.

No matter what you do to them, they will keep doing good and loving people. They will live without thought for themselves except to provide for their needs in order to help others. They will put on their oxygen mask first in this plane crash of a country and then begin saving people.

You just can’t stop them. Because they will do it for nothing.

They Are Real

They will share their last handful of bread with someone who is hungrier than they. They will place the lives of children before themselves. They will watch out for the health and safety of old people.

They will stand up in the face of pure evil, with no chance of winning, and fight until they can’t.

They will stand alone if they have to. And they will continue to use good trigger discipline and muzzle control while taking it in the teeth. Then they will turn themselves in to the police after it’s over and submit themselves to corrupt courts to decide their fate.

These people exist. Never forget it.

Without Recognition

They will pray, as innocent prisoners in concentration camps, for the very people who hold them captive. They will voluntarily visit those incarcerated for their very real crimes in depressing prisons for no pay and with very little hope of effecting change for the better. They will find hope there for the hopeless – because they will bring it with them.

They will sit with you in hospitals while your heart is breaking for a loved one who may not make it through the night. They will bring food to your home and watch your children while you do it. They will clean your house when you are too sick to manage it. You will wake up after a long and heartbreaking night to find your refrigerator is full of food that you didn’t put there.

And no one will pay them anything to do it. No government will mandate it. No politician will even know about it. It will not be on the news because these people will never tell a soul.

If you press them for a reason or try to thank them or beg to let you pay them back, they will just shake their heads and refuse.

“I’m only doing for you what someone already did for me,” they will say. If they say anything at all.

The Reason Behind It

They believe they owe a debt of love to the world that they can never repay. And it’s because they feel they are richly blest.

But they are not.

Not in a physical or mental or societal way. They are not operating from a sense of privilege. They are not giving out of their overabundance. They are not celebrating their accomplishments in front of cameras or cashing in some karmic chips in order to have a better life.

The secret of their rich abundance and bulletproof caring and endless giving and bottomless loving, the source of all their strength, the well from which they drink is older than the universe. Because He created the universe.

It is God, Himself.

An Eyewitness

I know. Because I am a witness to all these things. My family exists because of these people. And because of them my hope never dims in the darkest days.

Because I know they are out there.

I have seen them with my own eyes. They have come silently to my aid time and again. They are the very hands and feet of God’s love on this earth. They are the words of encouragement that I have desperately needed come to life.

They carry the hope that I cannot bear when I reach the end of myself.

And when I can finally stand again, they disappear like smoke from a candle flame and will never ask for anything in return as long as they live. I know them. And I will never, ever forget.

Do not tire of doing good. Because we will never have enough of it.

The Danger

Men are, this moment, plotting new evils. They are planning new wars. They are imagining fresh horrors to visit upon the innocent. They are amassing more billions to turn upon us at a precisely planned moment.

They are trying their worst to bring down Western Civilization and issue forth a new age of misery with themselves at the top of the wretched pile.

And they might.

A Baby’s Cry

But as you watch the mobs of organized crime smash windows and steal caravans of goods from stores in broad daylight without a hand raised against them, remember. And as you read stories of corrupt elections in the darkness of night, recall. And as the sparks of war flash with Molotov cocktails and senseless beatings and mind-numbed riots, remind yourself. As cities burn and the rattle of automatic gunfire echos through the streets and statues of heroes fall, do not forget.

Every grasping, clawing dictator has faced his doom and turned to dust and every conquering army has been disbanded and grown old and helpless. Every plotting politician and iron-fisted dictator faces the moment when no one any longer obeys their commands. And they learn, to their eternal horror, that they cannot stop the sun or still the tide or slow the hands of time.

Remember that every good thing we have was built by resilient people upon the ashes of previous destruction. Every ruined city has been scraped away by those dedicated people of hope.

Every silence is replaced by a baby’s cry.


Darkness cannot stop light. Hate cannot end love. Evil cannot extinguish good. Because all of these things are reborn with every rising of the sun.

For every shout of anger heard there are a thousand silences of peace between the words. These remain unrecorded in history but they hold the greater power.

It is the sound of people quietly standing to face the new day and getting on with it.

You may rest before you rise but never tire of doing good. For in so doing, you may find that you have become for others the thing you needed most.

And when they, in the future, look back to find the reason that they keep doing God’s great good, they may think of you.


“Let us not get tired of doing good,
for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.”
– Paul, an apostle
Galatians 6:9, CSB