God cares for the quietest and least of us in the same way we care for the best and brightest.


We heap praise and applause onto the blest and talented. We respect the rich and powerful. We admire the beautiful and accomplished. We celebrate business acumen and ambition. We love the witty and articulate. We honor the courageous and the creative. We will stand by the thousands as one to cheer the athletic and the fleet. We gawk at the audacity of the outrageous and we sing along with great musical artists.

But God, who created the unimaginable spectacle of the universe and breathed life into each child born to greatness, who gave the creative their gifts and knit together the minds of geniuses, who designed the bodies of heroes and sculpted the beauty of our heroines, this great God of the great has other priorities.

He also teaches babies to walk and fills their minds with a million questions. He honors the accomplishments of the aged and hears their prayers. He gives a reverse kind of blessing to the humble and approves of the peacemakers. He stands with the suffering and supplies endurance to the persistent. He visits the sick and offers grace and healing.

God sees the widows tiny gift and pours out grace for the broken and penitent. He stands on the side of the powerless and blesses the quiet in their labors.

The Worth of Weeds

He watches after house sparrows and clothes the weeds in wildflower blooms of glory. And He promises us we are worth far more.

While the elite of society rule over us with iron-fisted assurance of their unquestionable superiority, He offers life-giving rain and warming sun to all of His children.

And He loves the least of us and richly blesses the quiet faithful among us. He forgives and heals those that society condemns.

And He brings justice to the meek and vindication to the abused. He recognizes the divine spark in each one of us and offers us the chance to become sons and daughters of the most high God.

Vision of Value

That is how He sees us. That is how He judges among us. Such is the character of God.

The more we adopt His view, the more we can have His heart and reflect His love and glory on the earth. And the more we can bless His children, our brothers and sisters, on this day.