I have a story to tell. It falls to me to do it. No one else remembers it all. Many who were there are gone. It is at once the most horrifying and amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. But it’s not my story.
It’s the story of the most courageous person I know. Given the people I’ve met, that is as radical a statement as I’ve ever said. It is, however, true.
Why talk about it here? Because this will change my focus and so change this blog. I’m not sure how yet. I just thought some of you might want to know.
So, why the somber tone? Why am I not chattering excitedly about my new project? Because every time I’ve made a major effort to write this things have gone badly. Not with the book, but in life.
So, for those of you who are my friends I have a simple request. No big email promotions, Kickstarters, begging or self promotion. No pandering for money or promises of rewards. No distracting contests, videos or courses. Not now anyhow. 🙂
Instead I ask this, please say a prayer for God’s protection of myself and my family. I offer you my sincere thanks.
I will report my progress here.