Big tech now owns every problem in America. The Facebook, Google, and Twitter brands bought and paid dearly for the responsibility.

They ruined their reputations and businesses in order to do it. Though the slow, painful decline has only begun, they managed to set at least half of the country passionately against them. And the battle for their multiple successors is fully engaged.

This week, through their arrogance, they ensured they will be replaced. While Parler is still alive and kicking, moving their headquarters to Nashville, Alignpay is taking on the financial sector, GETTR is gaining strength every day, Gab is reconstituted on its own tech platform, Frank Speech and others are offering alternatives, this Wednesday a new contender was born.

TRUTHSocial was announced by Donald Trump on Wednesday, October 20th. Trump Media & Technology Group and Digital World Acquisition Corp. merged to create a beginning valuation of nearly 2 billion dollars. It will go online in the spring of 2022.

It will have the instant support of every canceled, fired, FBI-investigated, pro-family, faith-centric, financially responsible, education-indoctrinated, vaccine-harassed, social media underdog in the country.

And possibly a few Trump supporters will join.

This will not solve all of our problems We don’t put our faith in individuals or companies. But it will allow the fight between competing ideas to continue. It will allow reality-based truth to be spoken.

It is a shot across the bow of pirate tech. Like so many before them, they underestimated the determined response of a peaceful but courageous people.

They thought the battle would be quick and the spoils would be plundered. Instead, they continue to expose who they really are.

We’ve watched Apple and Amazon choose to heave their companies onto the bonfire. Now the history of their best achievements is inextricably tied with every slurred, nonsensical utterance of a failed presidency.

Apple has singled themselves out as pirate kings this week as the company took every single Bible App off the App Store in China.

With great power comes great responsibility, like it or not. And now the chips are falling into the flames at their feet.

As global companies, they have bet the future on their ability to live without half of the American market. What they have failed to see is the toxic ripple effect of the globally connected world they helped to create.

In their self-created, reality-disconnected fantasies, they imagine a world of happy, programmed drones giving them knee-bending fealty and endless financial tributes forevermore.

They imagine people will continue to watch indoctrination fantasies and self-aggrandizing award shows. They believe people will never revolt against the ubiquitous rhythmic chanting of their violent materialist screed. They see only a drug-induced, sex-saturated, power-infused song forever rising over their vast domain.

They imagine no one sees them behind their cameras-only masks as they violate their every mandate and fly to lavish parties and secret islands to plot their next carbon-spewing, peasant-crushing outrage.

They imagine we have no free will. That social media is true. That they have reached their moment and our indoctrination is complete.

But Truth and Justice never sleep and prayers never cease and our eyes have been opened. Now, the time has come for us to speak. And they will not like our proclamation.

Because masks are not gags. And our forced silence is only the ominous quiet before the tsunami.

God still sits patiently on His throne and hears the pleas of a nation. God still offers even tech tyrants the same forgiveness He offers us.

I pray that those who claim to predict the weather decades in advance will see the red skies in the morning before the storm is upon them and all is washed from the shifting sands of time.

And may those fortunate enough to stand on the solid rock of Truth kneel in gratitude because the arrogance of pride is too large a burden for any to bear.


(Dennis Ritchie is currently posting on Gettr)