I write and think every day and I don’t post it all. But I’m beginning to think I should.

I have always wanted to respect your time and not just prattle on, but the more time I spend with students and the more questions they ask me and the more they draw something good from what I say, the more I realize that life is lived in moments.

I don’t have all the answers but I might have the experience that gets them through the day.

I might have the perspective that gives them hope. I might have a tidbit they can use that helped me through a dark moment. Or maybe it’s even more important for them to have someone who will just listen to their struggle and let them talk it out.

I’m terrible at listening, by the way, but I’m learning that my words may be less necessary than my prayers after they leave.

What we say in the short here and now matters more, in the long run, than the carefully edited, organized, curated content we produce.

The daily problems we deal with are as powerful in our lives as the gigantic cultural changes we see seething around us.

It is this daily life where we have to get along. This is the place where we have to meet God and ask for His intervention in our lives. This is the moment when we have not because we ask not.

Change cannot wait until tomorrow. Growth cannot wait until a great book or conference or webinar appears. Help is needed now, not on an album release date or a date on our calendar. Hope cannot be postponed until the time is convenient.

I need love today. I’m thinking you do, too

Maybe we could all be present and speak up and listen and help each other out. Maybe we can do it today. And just maybe, because we do, tomorrow will begin a better day because of it.


Keep On Standing,
