You don’t find courage at Toys-R-Us.
Courage lives where courage is needed. If you want to find courage you have to go to some rough places and talk about difficult things. Things that make courage necessary.
That’s the goal here: creative encouragement, resilience and recovery.
If I wanted to go viral on YouTube, I’d only post videos about Nessie, my almost four-month-old chocolate Lab. She’s much more popular than me. Even with me.
But if you want to discover courage it means occasionally mentioning dark places, like Auschwitz. Not for the horror of it but for the lessons in courage that come out of it, from survivors like Dr Edith Eva Eger.
Without the horrible context, her lessons could be fortune cookie quips or bumper stickers. The fact that these ideas helped her survive Auschwitz means that they work in the worst of circumstances.
But mentioning Auschwitz doesn’t do much for your blog metrics. It’s too real.
We prefer learning The 10 Best Vehicles To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse. Even the CDC is using Zombies to teach survival techniques with much success. Fiction is less threatening.
So, if it helps, replace the word Auschwitz with Zombies. Then you won’t have any trouble learning Edie Eger’s lessons in The Ballerina of Auschwitz – Part Two. (Coming Tomorrow)
Photo: Zombie Clowns by Bob Jagendorf via Flickr